
据Bleacher Report报道,奥斯汀里夫斯很有可能在这个休赛期,以受限制自由球员的身份,获得一份四年5000万美元的合同,在昨日的生涯之夜,里夫斯全场砍下35分6篮板6助攻拯救了湖人队,这也让里夫斯的身价在慢慢上涨,我们来看看球迷们对此作何评价!

He deserves it, you need to take in account how many minutes he’s currently playing compared to when he gets this contract.


I know the stats might not look the greatest , but anybody who’s WATCHING these games knows he looks like he’s the ONLY one who wants to try to win half the time.


This is what’s called LeBron factor!

Goat James historically have elevated the game of his teammates.

Look at what his teammates have become: JR Smith, Kyrie, Kuz, THT, Austin Reeves, Caruso, B. Ingram, Tristan Thompson, etc.

All have become better NBA players

这就是所谓的詹姆斯因素! 历史最佳詹姆斯一直提升他队友的水平。 看看他的队友都变成了什么样:JR史密斯、欧文、库兹马、THT、里夫斯、卡鲁索、英格拉姆、特里斯坦-汤普森等等。 他们都成为了更好的NBA球员

He’s been better the last 15 games lebron hasn’t played? So how is this logic work


$50M for this stat line is nuts


Didn’t play much at the beginning of the year. If you look at his stats the last 25-30 games he’s averaging 16, 5, and 5 which is a bargain at 12 mil a year. Much better player than jordan Poole whose making double that


$50 million for an nba contract is low. $12.5 million a year is a bargain and even under league average.


1. He was injured part of the season

2. He shares a court with two future hall of famers, he’s not gonna average 20+, and he’s so much more than a scorer. ( shocker I know but there’s more to basketball than scoring )

Just give credit where it’s due.

1. 他本赛季受伤了一段时间

2. 他和两个未来名人堂球员共享球场,他不可能场均得到20+分,并且他不仅仅是一个得分手。(篮球不只有得分)


Stats don't tell a thing. I've watched almost every Lakers game this season and can see that he makes a huge difference when he's on the court.

数据并不能说明一切。我几乎看过本赛季所有湖人队(Lakers) 的比赛,并且可以看到当他在场上时会带来巨大的差异。

$12.5M/year is nothing. Around 115th in the league, take a look at the guys around that level. This is right in line. You gotta update your expectations to the new cap levels my dude. Gonna go up even more over the next few years.


Stats don't tell the full story..he's a menace on defense, hustled his ass off, spreads the offense and always has to be accounted for, he makes the team better the moment he is on the court with any group he plays with

数据并不能说明全部故事… 他在防守端是个威胁,在场上拼尽全力,拉开进攻空间并且总是要被对方重点防守,在任何组合中与之同场都会让球队变得更好

he’ll about to get pay less than Poole when He is completely better. World is crazy man


Sad truth tbh but fr I think it’s because of the Draymond situation so they had to sign him to the max so they can his value


One of the benefits with playing with Bron. You’re gonna get paid one way or another


This guy fits whatever the coach asks him to do. I do not understand why he isnt a starter while Lebron is out. He runs the pick and roll better with AD than anyone else on the team not named Lebron.


Don’t think people understand his value- He’s a very hard nosed defender and plays incredible on offense. Super valuable ball handler especially when LeBron is not on the court. Plus, I get the sense Pelinka doesn’t want to have another Caruso situation and let him walk.

别人可能不理解他的价值- 他是一个非常顽强的防守者,在进攻端也表现出色。特别是在詹姆斯不在场上的时候,他是一个非常有价值的控球手。而且,我感觉佩林卡不想再重蹈卡鲁索的覆辙,让他离开。

That's not bad honestly over 4 years for someone who is starting to look like they could become a key role player. I wouldn't go any higher than that, though.


Looks to much like a Duncan Robinson, Chandler Parsons situation but I don’t wanna judge to early


Not even close, Reaves shoots well but he’s not just a shooter and those two made way more money than that


That’s actually a bargain if he continues to play like the 2nd/3rd best player on the team.


Hopefully he finds an actually respectable NBA team that really values his efforts and compensate them with success.

Lakers don't deserve him, just like they don't deserve LeBron

希望他能找到一个真正尊重并赏识他努力付出并给予成功回报的NBA球队。 湖人队不配拥有他,就像他们不配拥有詹姆斯一样

Well good luck with him finding a team that's gonna offer him that kind of money. He has been a decent spark for the Lakers this season tho. Let's see what happens this off-season.


Surely the Lakers won't make the same mistakes as before and let him walk... Right?





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