

很多人不理解,既然美国能如此轻易的制裁华为,苹果的最大市场和最大的生产基地就是中国,那么为什么我们不禁售苹果,或者将苹果在中国的代工厂查封,从而对苹果进行对等的反制呢?其实有多重因素的考虑,很现实也很无奈!这个话题在美国最大的论坛网站Quora也是引起了不少的关注,有美国网友就提出了这样的问题:美国禁止华为。为什么中国不能禁止苹果手机和耐克? 让我们来看看老外们的观点吧。



Firstly, China can ban iPhone and Nike etc. Do not forget China is only one that has full industrial chain with lower prize.


If China do that, iphone and Nike would seek for new manufacture country with high-cost. It would take a long time to achieve this level before. It means not only China will lost a number of job but also Nike and iPhone,especially the stock.

如果中国那样做,苹果手机和耐克将以高成本寻找新的制造国。 以前想要达到这个境界,需要很长时间。 这意味着不仅中国将失去大量工作,耐克和苹果手机也会失去,尤其是股票。

Moreover, China has a good reputation internationally, and it does not arbitrarily break regulations and contracts like the United States. The goal of the United States is to make China lose its stable environment and reputation, and force China to block overseas companies from entering the country.



If so, The 5g iPhone may not be working because Apple is paying the royalty to Huawei and some of the basic 5g base stations from Ericsson and Nokia contain a patent from Huawei. Despite the bluster and bragging from the inept and corrupted politicians, the US simply can’t live without Huawei 5g technology because Huawei owns most of the 5g patents.

如果是这样,5g 苹果手机 可能无法使用,因为苹果正在向华为支付专利使用费,而爱立信和诺基亚的一些基本 5g 基站包含华为的专利。 尽管无能和腐败的政客吹牛吹牛,但美国根本离不开华为5G技术,因为华为拥有大部分5G专利。

China will not ban Apple because it is a product that American can not make at home. In exchange for Huawei’s ban, China has not ordered any new planes from Boeing since 2018 for the same national security reason as that of Huawei in the US.


Thanks for the sanctions from bubba Sam, Huawei has transformed into a different company by branching into software, chip design and manufacturing, energy storages, etc. and start growing again in the rest of world beside the West in the telecom infrastructure business and collecting more license fee from the West in becoming a constant thorn on uncle Sam’s behind at the end of 2022.



China and the United States think completely differently. China is not going to restrict the banning of iPhones and Nike.


By restricting Huawei, the US would add tens of billions of dollars of additional overhead on 5G itself, in addition to losing more than $20 billion in exports to Huawei, every year, for US suppliers.

通过限制华为,美国将在 5G 本身上增加数百亿美元的额外开销,此外每年美国供应商对华为的出口损失超过 200 亿美元。

If China banned the iPhone and Nike, it would also lose billions of dollars a year. As well as the employment of tens of thousands of workers.

如果中国禁止苹果手机和耐克,它每年也会损失数十亿美元。 以及数以万计工人的就业。

The US thinking is that in order for the US to lead, China's development in communications technology must be curbed, so Huawei is to be stifled, and it is to be done at any cost.


China's thinking is that the world is so big, the market is so big, and China cannot have a monopoly on its own, so we all get bigger together.


Not only did China not restrict the iPhone and Nike, but it also supported Tesla to build a factory in China. It has also provided Tesla with preferential loans to encourage Tesla to get bigger.



Comparing Apple and Nike to Huawei is a false equivalence because they make different products and target different sectors and they are headquartered in different countries.


Apple and Nike have little to do with national security and critical infrastructure. Apple and Nike target end consumers (inpiduals), while Huawei makes critical telecom infrastructure that supports modern civilization. Huawei also builds network security chips, equipment for datacenters, routers, etc. in addition to their consumer-oriented products.

苹果和耐克与国家安全和关键基础设施关系不大。 苹果和耐克的目标是最终消费者(个人),而华为则制造支持现代文明的关键电信基础设施。 除了面向消费者的产品外,华为还生产网络安全芯片、数据中心设备、路由器等。

It would be unthinkable for the US government to be allowed to actively interfere with Apple’s product development, but this situation is not unthinkable for companies headquartered in China.



iPhone and Nike are mass-market consumer items. Their brand is part of the appeal. Arranging a ban means disappointing several million customers.


Huawei mainly serves large corporate and government clients. Their products are already subject to several stages of approval. Arranging a ban is comparatively straightforward.


It’s also not the Chinese approach. The Chinese prefer to go with punishing inpidual companies with regulatory burdens, bureaucratic obstacles, mysterious infrastructure failures, and other forms of aggressive non-cooperation, rather than ban them outright. That gets far closer to what they see as the problem, failure to cooperate for the harmony of all, rather than what US people tend to see as the problem, failure to adhere to a point of principle, which is more traditionally tackled with a ban.

这也不是中国的做法。 中国人更愿意通过监管负担、官僚障碍、神秘的基础设施故障和其他形式的激进不合作来惩罚个别公司,而不是彻底禁止它们。 这更接近他们认为的问题,未能为所有人的和谐而合作,而不是美国人倾向于认为的问题,未能坚持原则,传统上通过禁令来解决 .

Finally, the Chinese export to the US far more than they import. A tit-for-tat cycle of bans would hit them harder. Far better to do other things instead.

最后,中国对美国的出口远远超过进口。 针锋相对的禁令循环将对他们造成更大的打击。 相反,做其他事情要好得多。

I’m sure no one really doubts the Chinese could ban high-profile US products, but it’s not hard to see why that’s not the approach they would want to take.



The question just shows little you are technologically aware: less than than a caterpillar! IPhone and Nike are consumer products.


The Nike company itself is consumer-oriented, but not Apple. Apple is more than just iPhone. Likewise, Huawei is not a product: it is a whole ecosystem.


Huawei is not just a phone. It is an entire system of back-end equipment related to internet and mobile telephony, similar to Ericsson, ZTE, Cisco, Ciena, Samsung and Nokia. It also has consumer brand-name phones.


You are likely the type who cannot distinguish between Ethernet and Ethereum. Only someone with your genius can compare a sports shoe with a new, cutting-edge 5G communications ecosystem.



Here is your first clue: A ball is round but not all round things are balls.


Secondly, the USA is apparently cutting off the nose to spike its face. The free world is not really free when one who claimed to be the free world leader often likes to use handcuffs on others. Everyone sees Huawei Ban as an underhanded practice; not in line with the fair competition doctrine that the USA often preaches to others. The USA also downplays China for its government’s involvement in the free-trade market yet The Huawei ban actually speaks louder as “Don’t do as I do but do as I say”.

其次,美国显然是在砍鼻子打脸。 当一个自称是自由世界领袖的人经常喜欢给别人戴上手铐时,自由世界就不是真正的自由。 每个人都认为禁止华为是一种卑鄙的做法; 不符合美国经常对外宣扬的公平竞争主义。 美国也淡化中国对自由贸易市场的参与,但华为禁令实际上更响亮的是“不要像我做的那样,但要按照我说的去做”。

The banning of Huawei actually cost the USA much more damage than it can imagine. Who knows how many US businesses were suffering when their manufacturing plants must be moved to other countries in order to meet this so-called BAN.


The digital age as we called it is a world filled with all things digital and “The Chip” is at the heart of all things digital. How many production disruptions and changes must be made to accommodate deltas to the supply chain? Moving factories to other countries like Vietnam and Thailand are not as easy as they seem. The War in Ukraine and The Banning of Russia also added salt to the open wounds.


Furthermore, iPhone and Nike may be well-liked by many Chinese but they are not the end-all-be-all products in China. China doesn’t see these products as harmful and foolish to use National Security as a cause to ban them. Whereas the USA was so threatened by Huawei that it rather employ the ban than face the threat head-on as it used to do back in the Fifties or Sixties.

此外,iPhone和耐克可能受到许多中国人的喜爱,但它们在中国并不是万能的产品。 中国不认为以国家安全为由禁止这些产品是有害和愚蠢的。 而美国受到华为的威胁如此之大,以至于它宁愿实施禁令,也不愿像五六十年代那样直面威胁。

Remembered The Sputnik? It was not a 007 Sci-Fi fiction but a real threat to the USA when the USSR launched it in 1957. The USA comeback with Apollo and A Legend was Born. That was the USA I respected and loved. Not this dirty Huawei Banning that clearly speaks the USA’s FEAR AT HEART.

还记得人造卫星吗? 当苏联于 1957 年发射它时,它不是 007 科幻小说,而是对美国的真正威胁。美国卷土重来,阿波罗和一个传奇诞生了。 那是我尊重和热爱的美国。 不是这种肮脏的华为禁令清楚地表达了美国内心的恐惧。


This kind of thinking is too naive. Both Huawei and Apple represent the top domestic mobile phones made in China and the United States, but this does not mean that we have to do something unfair to Apple like the United States. What Apple means to China is far from as simple as what Huawei means to the United States. Apple entered the Chinese mobile phone market in 2011, and has occupied a leading position in the Chinese mobile phone market for many years. Therefore, it is not good for China to crack down on Apple in the Chinese market. Instead, it will fall into a "killing enemy". One thousand, eight hundred self-defeating" situation.

这种想法太天真了。 华为和苹果都代表了中国和美国制造的顶级国产手机,但这并不意味着我们要像美国一样对苹果做一些不公平的事情。 苹果对中国的意义远没有华为对美国的意义那么简单。 苹果于2011年进入中国手机市场,多年来一直在中国手机市场占据领先地位。因此,在中国市场打击苹果对中国不利。 反而会陷入“杀敌一千自损八百”的局面。

First of all, Apple has created five million jobs in China. Of course, this is not a job that directly works for Apple. There are also raw material supply and transportation jobs for Apple. If China starts with Apple, the first biggest problem is that there will be a large number of unemployed people in China, and the employment issue will become the most difficult problem. This is a reality that is directly linked to the employment of our population.

首先,苹果在中国创造了500万个就业岗位。 当然,这并不是直接为苹果工作的工作。 苹果还有原材料供应和运输工作。 如果中国从苹果开始,第一个最大的问题是中国会有大量失业人员,就业问题将成为最棘手的问题。 这是与我们人口的就业直接相关的现实。

Second, if China bans Apple’s sales and production in China or suppresses Huawei like the United States, China’s vested interests will be transferred to other countries, or the interests will be returned to the United States, which just solves the employment problem of American workers. , Leaving all profits in the United States. China will suffer a lot from this.


The third point is that the huge number of Apple users in my country makes it unrealistic to ban Apple. At present, only two countries have implemented a total ban on Apple: Russia and Turkey. They do not have many domestic Apple users. Even if the sale of Apple is banned, it will not have a particularly large impact on the economy. This is determined by the user base. . But if the sale of Apple is banned in China, the consequences will be unimaginable. First, it will cause an uproar in the country.


There are tens of thousands of complicated reasons behind the simple question of whether to ban Apple. When we think about such a problem, we must weigh the pros and cons, especially to see the subject behind the problem. The consequences of everything are ever-changing. , Like the butterfly effect, one problem leads to the next. Only in this way will we be more rational and more careful. Apple's position in China is indeed stable, but my country is also strengthening the behavioral norms of foreign companies in order to better safeguard my country's sovereignty.



Why would China Ban iPhone?

iPhone has brought jobs, research and technology, tax revenue, incentives for Chinese mobile phone companies, and strengthened international ties to China.


The U.S. crackdown on Huawei is aimed at preventing China from leading the way in 5G technology, preventing China’s strategic development and technology growth, and signaling sanctions against China


What will iPhone sanctions do for China? Behind Apple is Wall Street, Silicon Valley, not the government, Apple wants to work with China, why not make money together.


As for Nike, A big country to crack down on a clothing company with rules and laws, not necessary,Nor does it meet the requirements of China’s international free market



The answer to this question is somewhat simple, Huawei was hoping to sell its services to the USA and in my opinion Trump felt threatened not because of China spying on US but because the market share it would capture as the technology Huawei offers is first rate and at a very competitive price.

这个问题的答案有点简单,华为希望向美国出售其服务,在我看来,懂王感到威胁不是因为中国对美国进行间d活动,而是因为华为提供的技术将占据市场份额是一流的,而且 以极具竞争力的价格。

The only two other players in my opinion that compete with Huawei are Ericsson and ZTE of China. Nokia and Cidco will eventually get there but currently they are way behind Huawei. Now when it comes to Apple and Nike China is a big market for both these companies but China is also the manufacturing base for them. By banning them would result in 10,000 people employed by Apple directly and another upto 15,000 indirectly jobless.

在我看来,与华为竞争的另外两家厂商是爱立信和中国的中兴通讯。 诺基亚和思科最终会到达这一目标,但目前它们远远落后于华为。 现在说到苹果和耐克,中国对这两家公司来说都是一个很大的市场,但中国也是它们的制造基地。 禁止他们将导致 10,000 人直接受雇于苹果,另有多达 15,000 人间接失业。

Same is the case with Nike which employs 200,000+ directly and a good few more indirectly.China wouldn't want to shoot itself in the foot by making so many of its people lose their jobs. Also such an action would make other foreign companies manufacturing in China somewhat nervous.


The one thing Chinese appreciates more than most is jobs for its over a billion people.




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