Anadolu Efes 的CIO Murat Ozkan:推动人工智能驱动的数据分析战略

Murat Ozkan, Anadolu Efes CIO

Murat Ozkan于2019年加入国际饮料公司Anadolu Efes,此前他在IT行业担任过近30年的各种职位,从系统分析师开始,最近担任过首席信息官(CIO)和其他领导职位。他的职责范围从管理业务应用程序环境到监督整个IT基础设施。Anadolu Efes从伊斯坦布尔的基地发展壮大,并在俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和格鲁吉亚等地经营着多个基地。

一、为什么Anadolu Efes决定开始数字化转型之旅?

加入Anadolu Efes工资单后,我提出了一套计划,让Anadolu Efes为下一个数字时代做好准备,并启动了一个庞大的技术计划,包括几个领域的一些项目,以翻新现有的复杂和过时的基础,建立一个强大的数字核心,为未来做好准备,同时协调业务流程,统一主数据和标准化技术组件。考虑到数字中断和技术进步,使组织更具弹性和可持续性,并变得更加社区和云友好,以提高IT敏捷性。

建立一个包括数据管理、分析、人工智能、机器学习、数据可视化等在内的数据驱动型组织,涉及利用Cloudera大数据平台、Azure认知服务、[基于云的会话人工智能服务]Luis聊天机器人、Microsoft Power BI工具和IBM SPSS & DataStage (ETL)解决方案实现一套业务解决方案。

我们还有我们的项目“白兔”,它由使用(UI Path)软件机器人的手动重复和增值任务的自动化组成。员工们节省时间来创造全新的商业机会和服务发展。

另一个成功的例子是名为“道”的项目。基本上,我们构建了一个简单、敏捷和集成的基础设施和安全性,以最大限度地提高应用效率和用户满意度,以创造价值和竞争优势。Logos有一系列举措,如VMware NSX、Azure和IBM(公共)云服务、数据丢失预防解决方案、MS Teams协作工具、特权访问管理等。

二、Anadolu Efes通过数字化转型过程实现了哪些目标?您如何定义您的数字化起点?对于啤酒厂组织实现数字化增长来说,哪些步骤是重要的?






因此,一个新的愿景诞生了,并被各级经理所拥有:“在所有业务部门和战略业务合作伙伴中建立一个世界级的数字啤酒公司”。后来,我们启动了一项名为“Anadolu Efes数字化卓越之旅”(DEX)的数字化转型计划,领导团队和人力资源、物流、财务、制造、法律等业务部门都参与了该计划。华东CIO大会、华东CIO联盟、CDLC中国数字化灯塔大会、CXO数字化研学之旅、数字化江湖-讲武堂,数字化江湖-大侠传、数字化江湖-论剑、CXO系列管理论坛(陆家嘴CXO管理论坛、宁波东钱湖CXO管理论坛等)、数字化转型网,走进灯塔工厂系列、ECIO大会等








Murat Ozkan joined international beverages company Anadolu Efes in 2019 after almost 30 years in various roles in IT, starting as a system analyst and more recently including stints in CIO and other leadership positions. His responsibilities range from managing the business application landscape to overseeing the whole IT infrastructure. From its base in Istanbul, Anadolu Efes has grown and is operating multiple sites, including in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Georgia.

In this Q&A, Ozkan chats with CIO Middle East about how he is building a data management strategy around analytics and AI — more specifically machine learning — in order to take advantage of growth opportunities.

CIO Middle East: Why did Anadolu Efes decide to begin its digital transformation journey? Could you explain to us some examples of technologies you implemented?

Having joined Anadolu Efes payroll, I did come up with a set of initiatives to prepare Anadolu Efes for the next digital era and kicked off a vast technology program including some projects in several domains to renovate the existing complex and outdated foundations to establish a strong digital core for future-readiness, also to harmonize business processes, unify master data and standardize technology components, make the organization more resilient and sustainable considering the digital disruptions and technological advancements and become more community and cloud-friendly to increase IT agility.

The establishment of a data-driven organization including data management, analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data visualization etc., involves implementing a set of business solutions utilizing Cloudera big data platform, Azure cognitive services, [cloud-based conversational AI service] Luis chatbot, Microsoft Power BI tool and IBM SPSS & DataStage (ETL) solutions.

We also have our project ‘White Rabbit’, which consists of the automation of manual repetitive and value-added tasks utilizing (UI Path) software robots. Employees save their time for creating brand-new business opportunities and service developments.

One more example of a successful project is the one named ‘Logos’. Basically, we built a simple, agile and integrated infrastructure and security to maximize application efficiency and user satisfaction for value creation and competitive advantages. Logos has a set of initiatives such as VMware NSX, Azure and IBM (public) cloud services, a data loss prevention solution, the MS Teams collaboration tool, privileged access management, etc.

CIO Middle East: What are some of the goals that Anadolu Efes has achieved by going through this digital transformation process? How do you define your digital starting point and which steps are important for a brewery organization to achieve digital growth?

I strongly believe that digital transformation should have several aspects, e.g., technology, business, finance, culture etc. So, to succeed in a decent transformation, all the aspects must be evaluated and handled in a close manner. Or else, the outputs will not create the desired gains or enhancements. We have already experienced many improvements, changes and gains by implementing business processes restructuring, democratization of the data and conversion of routine tasks into software robots — lots of benefits help us to increase our competitiveness in the new world and its conditions. Some of the benefits/gains might be enumerated as:

CIO Middle East: Can you give us an insight to your vision of what a digitized organization is? What technologies are you using in order to have a digitized organization and what are your concerns for supporting agility and resilience?

So, a new vision was born and owned by managers at all levels: ‘Build a world-class digital beer company across all business units and strategic business partners’. Later on, we did kick-off a digital transformation program called “Anadolu Efes Digital EXcellence Journey” (DEX) with the participation of the leadership team and business functions such as HR, Logistics, Finance, Manufacturing, Legal, etc.

We created and enriched our DEX team with participants from several departments over the whole organization. Although this team takes the responsibility to build the digital future, they need close and strong support from all members of this organization. As being small parts of a whole, we’re ready together to spend our energy, to share our passion & love, to eliminate the barriers and to build the dream future, ‘All for one, one for all’. Our digital transformation has been started from Turkey and now spreading to all the other offices we’re operating around the world. There is no doubt, this would fire the competition in the market and strengthen our position. Our digital transformation is more than a technology upgrade, it mostly involves cultural transformation or change in way of working etc. That’s why communication plays a vital role in achieving our goals.

CIO Middle East: What could be the next steps of the digitization we will see in 2022?

Companies are using new technologies, such as the Internet of Things [IoT], advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data & analytics, 5G cell processing, cloud platforms and edge computing to enhance customer and partner experiences to drive new efficiencies. Using these technologies, we must deliver tailored and sustainable services (and products) to leverage our ecosystem and solidify opportunities.

CIO Middle East: As an executive, how can you summarize your digital expectations within a few sentences ?

I remember, the first time I talked with my colleagues in Anadolu Efes, I remarked with a few assertive words on the digital journey waiting for us: “Friends, take your positions and fasten your seat belts: We will take our place among the digital stars — stars that sparkle with a combination of imagination & technology beautifying the digital experiences.”

I’d like to share another motto; “If not now, then when: Let’s plan, launch and grow — embrace the digital era together.”

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