WIPO China: 信息和通信技术改变创新格局

WIPO China: ICT is Changing the Innovation Landscape

图:WIPO | Photo: WIPO


What is the future of innovation-driven growth: stagnation or revival? At the Global Launch of Global Innovation Index 2022, Mr. FAN Zhiyong, Vice President of Huawei, shared his opinion with WIPO Director General Daren Tang, as well as the audience worldwide.

图:WIPO | Photo: WIPO


Information and communication technologies (ICT) have already changed the world. Thirty years ago, the World Wide Web was born at CERN in Geneva. Since then, technological developments have never stopped. Two major breakthroughs have been achieved in the last decade: one, mobile processors are now so fast that they can support real-time transmission of application data, so users can use ICT technologies while on the move. Second, artificial intelligence processors are now smart enough to handle some real-life tasks, thus freeing humans to perform more perse, rather than repetitive, tasks.


As a result of these developments, ICT technology is rapidly transforming major industries, from the very first cell phones to the automotive, energy and transportation industries today. For example, Huawei wireless engineers are developing automated monitoring systems for mines. These systems can freely use unlicensed wireless spectrum to maximize mining safety and automation. In addition, driverless cars, AI-assisted dispatchers and various sensors help staff at ports, airports and warehouses to maximize logistics efficiency.


ICT is changing the world, and it is doing so in a greener and cleaner way. We at Huawei are proud to see that our technologies have helped our customers generate 500 billion kilo-watt-hours of green energy and save 14 billion kilo-watt-hours of electricity by the end of last year. That is equivalent to a carbon offset of 230 million tons, more or less the amount of carbon dioxide taken up from the atmosphere by all trees in Switzerland for 20 years. That was a tremendous achievement.


I'd also like to say a few words about the Deep Science Wave. We are still at the beginning, but we have already been able to see the use of artificial intelligence in real life, like in scientific research. For example, we have been using artificial intelligence to compare and simulate the performance of millions of chemical compounds to be used as electrolyte. If the work was to be done by people, it would be a career-long work for generations of laboratory staff.


We are also seeing that artificial intelligence has been used, for example, in drug development. They are helping biologists to predict protein folding. It is estimated that the time for drug development may be shortened from seven years to three months. Some people would call the use of ICT to compute the discoveries out of data the third paradigm of scientific research.


ICT is changing not just our ICT industry but also the innovation landscape. It is very important. For example, software development has been changing. In a connected world, software can be developed everywhere. We build hardware, but it is software that actually solves real-life problems.


To be a good software engineer, they have to know their users, and they have to understand and be close to the users, which means local software engineers develop software for local users. In our world, in a connected world, right now software can be developed anywhere, and according to the estimates by IDC, by the year of 2024, about 500 million software applications and services would be developed and that is beyond the total number of software ever developed in the past four decades.


This is a good opportunity for all countries, so I don't want to understate the importance of ICT. I think, first of all, it has to be a collaboration of engineers across borders, so the first policy we advocate would be a free world for scientific research, exchanges and data sharing. And second, we advocate for stronger ICT investment. Estimates have already shown that one dollar of investment into digital technologies could be converted to 20 dollars in GDP growth in the past three decades. Last but not least, we advocate for stronger IP protection. Innovation is a risky endeavor. It is a long-term investment. You invest and must wait for the return for years, so without IP protection, innovation won't sustain.


If a product developed by one company can be easily copied by other companies, everybody would choose making cheap copycats of existing technologies, instead of investing in building better products to compete with the existing. As simple as that, if companies cannot collect royalties to compensate their billion-dollar investment for research and development of the open standard, then no companies would be doing that, because it will be basically contributing your best technologies to be used by others for free. I would say, if you do not protect intellectual property well, you are actually denying your people's access to better technologies.

图:WIPO | Photo: WIPO



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