
中国的技术生态系统在未来五年内可能会发展壮大,并将在很大程度上成功地实现从客户网络向工业互联网的过渡。特别是,政府部门和私营部门将尝试利用人工智能(AI)和5G等强大的新兴技术来改造和更新中国城市和农业、制造业、电力和交通等传统行业。这种关注将表明过去十年基于微信、支付宝和抖音等程序的客户技术发生了显着变化。中国的技术格局可能会进入一个资本密集程度更高的阶段,因为它针对智能电网、影子工厂和自动驾驶汽车 (AV) 等工业用途。随着科学技术的不断发展,在科技方面与美国的差距也在不断地缩小,那么很多人都会好奇 ,中国的科学技术啥时候能赶超美国。在美国论坛上也有不少国外网友对此感兴趣,在Quora上就有网友提出这样的问题:如果中国的技术持续进步,美国将会发生什么?




There is no if ….. China’s technology will advance.


What happens to the US is up to the US.


Since the US led by either war hawks or big corporations the future has a limited number of trajectory options.


Right now US and other foreign based industry is investing in China in several ways including in a lot of R&D centres, because they do not want to fall behind.


I don’t think anything detrimental will happen to the United States as a result of China’s technological advancements. When China gets on the same playing field with the U.S., naturally they will be in direct competition with one another. China, Russia, and the U.S. have long been keeping an eye on each other, and reasonably so. They’re all influential countries, and although the U.S. is certainly ahead in regard to influence and recognition, China and Russia aren’t far behind.


As powerful, leading countries, they all continuously stride to outdo each other in many ways. They don’t do this for the sake of doing it, but because there’s obviously a great advantage in being more advanced than other places. It’s even better and advantageous when you’re included as one of the top 5 best countries of hundreds and hundreds of other countries that our quite stagnant in growth and development.



Surely it will happen sooner or later. No country can occupy the top position forever. Two thousand years ago, China already unified under Chin Dynasty with the most developed civilization on the planet at that time. Great Britain was the most advanced naval power after industrial revolution in the 1600’s. US became the great superpower only after WWI; and after WWII, it absorbed German scientists, and subsequently ‘stealing’ the brains from all over the world with the wealth came after WWII.


US is now at the peak (and on the decline right now). Logically once it is off peak, other country like China will regain its position as world number one as it was thousand years ago.



I disagree with the answers so far. What is happening is a tsunami of technology capabilities by China that will put China in the lead in technology. Many have said China cannot innovate. Not true anymore. Some things to consider: graduating STEM students that form the technology workforce, graduating college grads that support business and education, patents, R&D investments, and a plan for the future.


“China Is Innovating Faster Than You Imagine When I talked to a group of Chinese executives recently about their trip to Silicon Valley last year, the consensus was disappointment: “Honestly, I don’t know what all the hoopla is about,” said one. The world lauds Silicon Valley as a center of innovation, but many Chinese visitors, particularly from China’s growing technology sector – aren’t that impressed.” China Is Innovating Faster Than You Imagine


Future Tech dominance - China outnumber USA STEM Grads 8 to 1 and by 2030 15 to 1


Inside the world's largest higher education boom


“Even modest predictions see the number of 25 to 34-year-old graduates in China rising by a further 300% by 2030, compared with an increase of around 30% expected in Europe and the United States.


So, unless the US can turn the fire up and get more students interested in STEM, bring R&D up front as a high priority, China will eat our lunch.


美国网友Glenn Luk的观点

It really depends on how one views economic competition and global trade.


  1. Some view it as a zero-sum, winner-take all game: “There is a finite supply of resources and only one of us can own it.”


  1. Some see the benefits of trade and collaboration: “I am good at A. You are good at B. Let’s trade and share in the value creation.”


My deeply held view is that the world has been shifting from (1) to (2) since the dawn of the industrial revolution. This is the nature of modern technology-driven progress and the difference between “finite” and “non-finite” goods and services (explained in more detail below). Over the past fifty years, the pace of this shift has only accelerated.


In a world of relative “distributed plenty” — driven largely by technological progress — collaborating (trying to expand the pie together) becomes a more effective strategy than taking an adversarial stance (trying to grab a bigger share of said pie).


Technological-driven change inevitably results in disruption. Technology destroys old ways of doing things and replaces it with new, more efficient ways of doing things. Change and disruption almost always create both winners and losers, leading to social change. The countries that can handle the negative social effects of disruption best are going to be the ones that can best harness the associated positive benefits from technological-driven progress.


From the perspective of a nation-state, this actually puts greater importance on inward focus (making sure the domestic economy is dynamic enough to handle change and proliferate said technology) as opposed to outward focus (trying to win every negotiation with trading partners).


In other words, a country needs to first get its own house in order so that it can reap the benefits of technology-driven change — both internally and externally driven change. I am talking about social and domestic economic policies that ensure that our economy remains dynamic.


How the U.S. is impacted by China’s (almost inevitable) progress in technology will largely be driven by how well we are prepared to handle disruptive change on the home front.


If we learn how to handle change, we will benefit from Chinese advancements in technology by trading the inevitable technology advancements that we will be making — or even straight-up assimilating those new ideas and techniques. If we are unable to handle change, we run the risk of being isolated and left behind.


As the world continues its inexorable march into the future, thinking with a zero-sum mentality becomes a bigger and bigger liability.


Finite vs. non-finite goods and services


There are certain types of goods that are finite, or limited by their very nature. Land is one example. Crude oil and most natural resources are another example. These types of goods can only be owned by one person or country at a time. They cannot be created magically out of thin air.


Others are by their nature not limited by any physical constraints. These types of non-finite goods and services are largely the result of people getting together and collaborating.


For example, consider semiconductors:


The shift from finite to non-finite as illustrated by the Dow Jones Industrial Average


Most economic development these days comes from non-finite goods and services like technology as opposed to finite goods and services. This is very evident when you look at how the component companies of the Dow Jones Industrial Average have changed over time.


As you can see, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average was first formulated in 1896, all of its component companies involved some sort of limited resource whether it was land (for agricultural products), fossil fuels (for power plants) or physical commodity (rubber, cows/leather). General Electric is the only company on the list which relied on a significant technology component — and probably not a coincidence why it is the only recognizable name from that initial list today.

正如你所看到的,当道琼斯工业平均指数在1896年首次制定时,它所有的成份股公司都涉及某种有限的资源,无论是土地(用于农产品)、化石燃料(用于发电厂)还是实物商品(橡胶、奶牛/皮革)。通用电气(General Electric)是榜单上唯一一家依赖重要技术成分的公司——这可能不是巧合,为什么它是最初榜单上今天唯一被人认出来的公司。

In today’s list, most of the companies are from knowledge-driven industries that rely mainly on human ingenuity and collaboration (pharmaceuticals, financial services, information technologies, retail etc.). There are some natural resources companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron but these are a small minority at this point.


The technology frontier, life at the “bleeding edge”


At the edge of human ingenuity is the technology or innovation frontier, or something folks refer to as the “bleeding edge”[2]. Here we sit at the farthest limits of our achievements to date. Beyond this point, we stare into the abyss of the unknown and our best and brightest push on in a heroic effort to continuously advance and better ourselves. This is the front line of human civilization and development.


The developed world (the U.S./E.U./Japan) have shouldered most of the burden for pushing the bleeding edge of the technology and knowledge frontier forward since the Industrial Revolution. For this, we have been rewarded with untold bounty and riches. We have been able to trade much of this technology and knowledge with less-advanced countries in exchange for them taking on some of the less-desirable types of human toil and labor. This trade has undoubtedly improved our quality of life.


For much of the last four decades, China has been squarely in catch-up mode. It has not contributed much directly to pushing that technology and knowledge frontier forward. Instead, it has traded the time and toil of its people, largely to rich, developed countries. By doing this, it frees up resources in rich, developed countries that can be used to continue pushing the human technology frontier forward.


In other words, China has focused on technology proliferation — taking technology that may not necessarily be considered “bleeding edge” and proliferating it in its own economy to move forward. Over time, China has gradually caught up and gotten closer and closer to the technology frontier. It is still not quite there but in many cases, the “bleeding edge” is within shouting distance and in certain cases it may even be standing at the very edge.


Going forward, it is almost inevitable that China starts to help push that technology frontier forward. There is just too much inertia and momentum behind this push — one-fifth of humanity striving for a better quality of life. How much the U.S. can benefit from this depends on how well we handle ourselves.


Both efforts are important. Pushing the technology frontier forward increases the maximum potential for human civilization. Done right, proliferating the knowledge gained at the technology frontier into the rest of the population generally results in better lives for everyone.


A world of “distributed plenty”


With all of the progress being made at the technology frontier, we are gradually moving towards a world of plenty:


By and large, most innovation today is driven by the invention of or incremental improvements made in non-finite goods and services.


The implications of this shift to a world of plenty


Back in the late 19th century, economic output and wealth were determined far more by the ownership and acquisition of finite goods like land and oil and playing this game is much more zero-sum and winner-take-all. Hence, Colonialism as the dominant ethos of that era[3].


But today, economic output and wealth are increasingly tied to the invention and proliferation of non-finite goods like semiconductors and software. These are products and services that are created primarily by unleashing the productivity of human capital/ingenuity.


There are several major implications of this shift:


  1. Technology and knowledge are much more difficult to hoard than physical commodities. It is relatively easy to copy software or a design but impossible to create a barrel of oil out of thin air.
  2. 技术和知识比实物商品更难囤积。复制软件或设计相对容易,但凭空创造一桶油是不可能的。
  3. It is easy to use military might to accumulate or protect physical resources. This strategy is far less effective with technology and knowledge-based non-finite-type resources.
  4. 使用军事力量来积累或保护物质资源是很容易的。对于技术和知识为基础的非有限型资源,这一策略的效果要差得多。
  5. The very nature of how the technology frontier is advanced, and how technology is proliferated relies on people talking to one another to come up with new and novel ways of doing things.
  6. 技术前沿是如何发展的,技术是如何扩散的,其本质依赖于人们相互交流,提出新的、新颖的做事方法。
  7. Collaboration and partnership are more effective in today’s game than taking an adversarial approach.
  8. 在今天的游戏中,合作和伙伴关系比对抗更有效。
  9. Because much of technology/knowledge-based wealth can be created literally out of thin air, even the relative losers can be much better off in absolute terms.
  10. 因为很多基于技术/知识的财富都可以凭空创造出来,所以即使是相对的输家,从绝对价值上来说也会好得多。

Modern technology has modified the rules of the game and maintaining leadership means recognizing those rules and adapting to them.


Maintaining technology leadership in a “non-finite” world


There is little debate about the United States’ dominant position in technology leadership today. The question in my mind is how we maintain this position. The following are some of the principles that I think we need to follow.



First, we need to look forward, not backwards:


Second, we need to be adaptable:


Third, we need to be introspective and humble:


Fourth, we need to be empathetic … so that we can be dynamic:


Fifth, we need to recognize that military leadership is underpinned by economic leadership and alliance-building:


We need to recognize that the world is an increasingly complex place and the key to understanding complexity is communication and nuance. The biggest issue I see with society today is the increasingly pisive nature of the national conversation, which makes it incredibly difficult to come up with good, long-term solutions to the issues that we face.




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