
//原作者Dylan Z.Faltine-Gonzalez和Justus M. Kebschull2022年9月发表于Science,原标题:A mosaic of new and old cell type

//翻译 小鹰


Comparative transcriptomics could reveal patterns of cell type evolution in the tetrapodBrain


Over the past decade, hundreds of cell types have been identified in specialized brain regions of the laboratory mouse. How this staggering persity of cell types and regions evolved is currently unknown.


On pages 1060, 1063, 1061, and 1062 of this issue, Hain et al (1), Woych et al (2), Lust et al (3), and Wei et al (4), respectively, leverage singlecell and spatial transcriptomics in reptiles and amphibians to investigate cell type evolution at the brain scale. Hain et al produce a whole-brain cell atlas of the bearded dragon. Woych et al profile the developing and adult salamander telencephalon.

在本期杂志的第1060、1063、1061和1062页上,Hain等人(1)、Woych等人(2)、Lust等人(3)和Wei等人(4)分别利用爬行动物和两栖动物的单细胞和空间转录组学(译者注:空间转录组学可以同时获得细胞的空间位置信息和基因表达数据,对组织原位细胞真实基因表达进行研究。现有的空间转录组技术主要分为两类:一类是基于杂交和成像的方法,例如 FISH;另一类则是基于测序的方法)来研究大脑层次的细胞类型进化。Woych等人制作了一份胡须蜥(译者注:似乎确实资料)的全脑细胞图谱。Woych等人描述了亚成体的和成体火蜥蜴的端脑(译者注:由前脑发育形成,不严谨的讲,端脑和大脑(皮层)同源)

Lust et al and Wei et al tackle the axolotl telencephalon during development and regeneration using complementary single-cell multi-omic and new spatial transcriptomic techniques. Together, these studies reveal that rather than being a set of old and new regions, vertebrate brains are formed from a mosaic of conserved and new cell types.

Lust等人和Wei等人利用互补的单细胞多组学技术(译者注:多组学技术包括基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学、代谢组学、影像组学等)和新的空间转录技术解决了钝口螈(译者注:两栖纲有尾目 学名为A.mexicanum)端脑在发育和再生过程中的问题。总而言之,这些研究表明,与其说是新旧两组区域,不如说是原始和新生细胞类型的嵌合。

Traditionally, brain evolution is studied by identifying homologous brain regions across disparate species on the basis of cytoarchitecture, marker gene expression, and developmental origin. Thus, the brain is often considered a collection of “old” and “new” brain regions. The traditional approaches for region comparison do not resolve cell types. Nevertheless, region level conservation might generalize to the cell type level.


Recently, a host of single-cell omics methods have been developed that query gene expression of dissociated single cells and can be applied to any species with an annotated transcriptome or, preferably, an annotated genome. Emerging spatial transcriptomic technologies are also now allowing the interrogation of many genes with high spatial resolution in tissue. These technologies provide the opportunity to systematically compare transcriptomic information across species. Pioneering comparative transcriptomic studies have begun to investigate brain cell type and region evolution in vertebrates outside of the mammalian lineage (5–8), but they have largely focused on inpidual regions.


Hain et al tested the old versus new brain region and cell type hypothesis by producing a cell type atlas of the brain of the bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps, a lizard. When comparing lizard and mouse data, they found that cells from broadly defined brain regions in both species correspond to each other, indicating conserved region-specific gene expression signatures, as expected from traditional methods.


These signatures might originate from developmental constraints that are preserved in conserved homeobox transcription factor expression patterns. However, when mapping cell types at higher resolution, the authors observed both similar and very dissimilar cell types across species in almost every brain pision investigated (telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon), indicating the intermingling of both highly conserved and species-specific cell types.


Although in the telencephalon mostly inhibitory interneurons are conserved, in hypothalamus, tectum, and thalamus excitatory and inhibitory projection and local neurons show evidence of conservation. The existence of conserved and new cell types within conserved brain regions suggests that neuron types are evolutionarily plastic and capable of independently evolving new gene expression signatures and functions within their developmental framework.


These findings resonate with and are extended by the studies of Lust et al, Wei et al, and Woych et al, which focus on the amphibian telencephalon, the part of the brain that in mammals contains the neocortex.


They reveal deeply conserved classes of telencephalic inhibitory cells from each of the three developmental origins that have been recognized in mammals. Similar to the findings of Hain et al in bearded dragons and previous findings in turtles (6), conservation of excitatory neurons in the telencephalon is generally lower, suggesting the evolution of new cell types. Nevertheless, broad similarities in gene expression allow both Woych et al and Lust et al to match pallial regions in the amphibian brain to their homologs in reptiles, birds, and mammals.

他们揭示了在哺乳动物中已被认知的三种发育来源中的每一种都具有高度保守的端脑抑制细胞类型。与Hain等人在胡须蜥上的发现以及之前在海龟上的发现相似(6),端脑中兴奋性神经元的保守性通常较低,这支持新兴细胞类型的衍生。然而,基因表达的广泛相似性使Woych等人和Lust等人都能够将两栖动物大脑中的Pallial区域(译者注:Pallial似乎是大脑皮质(cerebral cortex)的意思)与它们在爬行动物、鸟类动物和哺乳动物中的同源区域相匹配。

The intermingling of conserved and new cell types within broad regions challenges the idea of clear-cut old and new regions at the cell type level. Nevertheless, evidence for evolutionary innovation that creates new regions with new cell types and functions is abundant. Woych et al find that salamander (Pleurodeles waltl) ventral pallium neurons are homologous to parts of the reptile dorsal ventricular ridge, but no homolog to the excitatory cells of another part of the same structure exists in the salamander.


The mammalian neocortex has no direct match at the level of excitatory cell types in the amphibian. However, cells matching mouse layer 4 neocortical cells seem to emerge with the reptiles. Similarly, Hain et al find evidence of region formation in the amniote thalamus, where medial thalamus appears well conserved between lizard and mouse as is a general mediolateral axis, but specific nuclei and their complement of cell types appear to be evolutionary innovations.


Additionally, the studies of Lust et al, Wei et al, and Woych et al investigate the developmental trajectories of brain regions and cell types observed in the adult. Woych et al note the conservation of transcription factor programs regionally specific to mouse pallium. Similarly, Lust et al identify the gene-regulatory networks underlying the regional persification of pallial excitatory neurons during postembryonic development in axolotls, and Wei et al examine spatial trajectories during axolotl development.


Moreover, Lust et al and Wei et al investigate the ability of axolotls to regenerate their telencephalon after injury. Both identified a distinct wound healing response to damage at the start of regeneration. Subsequently, proliferation and transition to neurogenesis seem to parallel that observed during development, leading to the reestablishment of all previously existing cell types and even longrange connections.


The key to integrating the findings of intermingled old and new cell types and of evolutionary innovation likely rests on two concepts. Regions, like cell types, are thought to be hierarchically organized (9).Therefore, a coarsely defined old region might contain both old and new cell types.


When investigated at a finer region resolution, however, these new and old cell types might spatially segregate into evolutionary newer and older subregions that evolved potentially by duplication and pergence of sets of cell types (8).


The second concept is that cell classes originating from different developmental niches can have different evolutionary paths and nevertheless intermingle in the adult (6–8). For example, well-conserved telencephalic interneurons migrate during development into pergent regions of the pallium, which results in the intermingling of old and new neurons in the adult. Like all evolutionary comparisons, comparative transcriptomics must distinguish orthology from convergent evolution.


Because transcriptomic space is high dimensional, this is a constant challenge. The studies of Hain et al, Woych et al, Lust et al, and Wei et al tackle this problem with a remarkable breadth of technology and species comparisons. In particular, Lust et al and Woych et al integrate transcriptomic data with spatial transcriptomics or whole-brain in situ hybridization, developmental data, and connectivity data.


Wei et al then provide a glimpse into the future of high–spatial resolution comparative transcriptomics by using a new method called Stereo-seq, which allows transcriptome wide sequencing at subcellular resolution (10). These studies highlight the potential of applying the powerful transcriptomic methods that are usually reserved for mouse to nonstandard models (11). Each of the articles produced massive single-cell and often multimodal datasets and mined publicly available data, showcasing the importance of data sharing and the power of accumulating single-cell data from many species for evolutionary comparisons. They demonstrate that new and old cell types intermingle in broadly defined brain regions.


Further studies with increased spatial resolution will be necessary to identify at what level of the cell type hierarchy and region hierarchy this model holds and how evolutionary innovations of brain regions and subregions interface with these findings. Understanding of evolutionary processes is needed both at a level that describes the adult phenotype, which should be most relevant for understanding brain function (12), and at a mechanistic and developmental level. j




标签:大脑   细胞   神经元   转录   小鼠   物种   译者   基因   保守   科研   区域   类型

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