




In the past 200 years, the world's largest country has been controlled by western countries. In those days, when power was transferred from Britain to the United States, it was equivalent to turning left hand to right hand. After all, the United States and Britain were roughly relatives. On the other hand, it was transferred from one western country to another western country.


Politicians believe that we are now facing the first change in 200 years, when the largest country will be a non western country - China. This is a problem that has not been encountered in the world for more than 200 years, so it is not surprising that many people do not know how to deal with this situation.


The United States is worried that the rise of China is inevitable. As a result, anti China sentiment in the United States has increased significantly. The United States is bound to find new ways and means to check and balance China.


If you look at China's long history, they do not have the habit of imperialist ambition and global hegemony like western countries. If there is in history, then Australia should be China's territory. On the contrary, Australia is a western country, because British colonists colonized Australia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.


China's history proves that it has no impulse to go out and conquer the world. China's long history is a gratifying sign that when it becomes a big country, it will not try to copy the practices of the Western heyday and colonize the world.


The United States has a history of about 240 years. Chinese civilization has a history of more than 5000 years. In today's world, a society of 240 years is judging a society of 5000 years, while China is in the most brilliant 30 years. Americans tell the Chinese, "you're not doing well. You should change." I think these Americans are really ridiculous.

美国大约有 240 年的历史。中华文明已有5000多年的历史。当今世界,一个240年的社会在评判一个5000年的社会,而中国正处于最辉煌的30年。美国人告诉中国人:“你做得不好。你应该改变。”我感觉这些美国人真的很可笑。




Generally speaking, the average American believes that he or she lives in the most powerful and perfect country in the world. The outside world means little to ordinary Americans. The news about China and Chinese people in the United States mainly comes from American mainstream media and newspapers (such as CNN, New York Times, etc.). Due to the need of ideological struggle, the American media sometimes report some news and editorials with distorted facts and colored glasses.


Because China is competitive, the United States is worried that it may lose its first position in the world and cannot continue to harvest the world's wealth.


The currency of the United States is the most popular currency in the world. At present, 64% of the currency of the International Monetary Fund is the dollar. In addition to the United States, there are dozens of countries and regions in the world that use the dollar as their currency (Ecuador, Bahamas, Palau, Zimbabwe, Panama, Timor Leste). This is only because the United States has the largest global economy and the most traded currency.


The United States almost "operates" the world's largest and most powerful military alliance - NATO, which has almost no problem dominating any part of the world, except China.


There are only a few countries in the world that the United States cannot influence, such as North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc., but their relations with China are good. If it is not China, there is Russia to some extent. Other countries dare not disobey the wishes of the United States.


Russia and China are the only countries in the world that have the ability to wrestle with the United States, both economically and militarily, which the United States does not want to see.


Compared with the Soviet era, Russia is a much smaller economy, so the problem is not big. Russia's economy is also mainly based on Europe (energy). As long as the United States yells, European economic sanctions can bring big trouble to Russia. However, these are useless for China.


Because if economic sanctions are imposed on China, it will cause damage to the world economy, and the domestic general commodity prices will soar. In addition, China's economy is not only driven by exports, but also popular with internal circulation, so the effect of sanctions against them is also negligible.


Basically, China cannot be controlled by the United States. It will affect many other countries. So Americans believe that it is a terrible competitor both in military and economic terms. I'm worried that my position as the world's number one will be taken away.





As an American, I have been teaching English in China for four years. Tell me what I think. My first impression when I came to China was that as a foreigner, people were very friendly to me and welcomed me very much. They are very kind and generous to me.


In the past four years, I haven't had a negative experience. Most people are kind and considerate. When I first came here, I was impressed that people would make way for the elderly and foreigners (such as me) to sit down on the bus.

在过去的 4 年里,我没有过一件负面的经历,大多数人是善良、体贴的。当我第一次来到这里时,我印象深刻的是人们会在公共汽车上让位给老年人和外国人(比如我)坐下。

People will invite me to their home for dinner and sometimes for lunch. People will give me gifts, especially my students' parents. I got gifts of tea and moon cakes. Many people invited me to a restaurant and insisted that they pay. Others have invited me to teach English in various places and are always willing to meet my schedule and needs.


Every country has the reality of good and bad behavior. The bright and positive side of Chinese people makes me want to stay here and invest time and energy to change children's English level. When I weigh good and bad, the good far outweighs the bad. If not, I will be straightforward and return to the United States. My family is there, and I can get close to them every day. However, in the end, I chose to stay in China.


This week, I will renew my contract with the school I teach. I decided to stay here. I love China, and more importantly, I love the people here. That's what I think. I hope to establish more beautiful friendships and memories here in the years to come. I will continue to do my best to make a difference in China and the world by using the skills and knowledge I have.




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