新剧推荐:夏日友晴天 Luca (2021)

新剧推荐:夏日友晴天 Luca (2021)



导演兼编剧Enrico Casarosa来自意大利,你可能看过他的奥斯卡提名短片《月神》:
月神 (2011)
2011 / 美国 / 动画 短片 奇幻 / 埃里康·卡萨罗萨 / 克丽斯塔·谢富勒 托尼·弗希勒

导演的爸爸和爷爷关系不好,于是便有了《月神》。本片小Luca的原型也是童年的Enrico自己,他在港口城市热那亚Genoa出生长大,夏天会去五渔村Cinque Terre度假,从高高的石头上跳入海里是日常。片中的小镇就取材自五渔村,特别是具有代表性的渔村韦尔纳扎(Vernazza),风景如画,它们的美像被时间定格。主打浓浓的1950s~1960s夏日意大利风情海滨小镇小镇怀旧风,《Luca》是导演寄给家乡与童年的一封情书。

新剧推荐:夏日友晴天 Luca (2021)


新剧推荐:夏日友晴天 Luca (2021)

从剧照就可以看出本片色彩鲜艳,有手绘风格,传统2D动画画风,某些场景可能有宫崎骏的味道。导演是看着宫崎骏的《未来少年柯南》(1978年)长大的,是宫崎骏粉丝深受其影响,他们还见过面。宫崎骏为了《三千里寻母记》(1976年)还曾来到导演家乡热那亚取景(主角马可住在热那亚的港口),可以说很有缘了。 动画监督 Michael Venturini在采访中说为了寻找设计灵感他们把导演小时候看的动画都看了,还参考了擅长制作定格动画的阿德曼动画和莱卡。 团队致力于简化台词,尽量用画面和人物表情、动作传递信息。

本片部分灵感来自宫崎骏1992年作品《红猪/紅の豚/Porco Rosso》(背景是1920s的意大利),作为致敬,原计划将Portorosso作为Luca的姓,但最后是把它作为小镇的名字,对应五渔村里的Monterosso。(Luca最后的姓是Paguro,意大利语意为寄居蟹。Alberto姓Scorfano,意大利语意为scorpionfish, 鲉鱼)

新剧推荐:夏日友晴天 Luca (2021)


导演十一二岁认识Alberto,他是1971年生人,他们认识是在80年代,但要注意的是本片设定的背景是5、60年代,因为导演太爱那个意大利黄金年代的电影和音乐了,他从手绘、定格动画以及意大利电影人例如Federico Fellini的作品中汲取了很多灵感。1953年的《 I vitelloni》中主角坐火车离开家乡的复杂情绪,与《Luca》结尾不谋而合,作为致敬采用了相同的火车设计。而片中Luca炫丽诡谲的梦境和幻想,灵感则来自1963年的《八部半 8½》,是导演最爱的电影之一。为了贴近那个年代,影片重现了当时的建筑风格、食物、字体、广场海报《罗马假日》、《大路 La strada》、《海底两万里》)、交通工具等要素。片中的Vespa设计参照自1959年款式,导演那会儿真的有个scooter,两人会在海岸边骑来骑去。为了在片中使用Vespa还联系Vespa的公司取得了授权。某场景中Alberto在自制小车上贴了张真人大头照,还学他表情,他就是1961年《意大利氏离婚》里的马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni。他的女儿Chiara Mastroianni在法语版《Luca》中给Luca妈妈Daniela配音。

新剧推荐:夏日友晴天 Luca (2021)


My best friend Alberto was a bit of a troublemaker,” the director explained during an early press preview of the film. “I was very timid, I had a bit of a sheltered life until I met him. I met him around age 12 and he was wild and free to do what he wanted, his family wasn’t really supervising him. We couldn’t be more different and that is really the kind of friendship where opposites attract. We’re also a little bit of losers and outsiders, so it also felt right, the idea of being sea monsters as the way that we felt a little bit different and not cool as kids,” he shared. “So Alberto got me out of my comfort zone and pushed me off many cliffs, metaphorically… In fact, I might not be standing here if I hadn’t learned to chase my dreams from him. So that is the kind of friendship I wanted to talk about, those kinds of deep friendships, important friendships that make us grow up, change us, that make us find ourselves. That is at the heart of Luca.

That is at the heart of Luca,本片的核心,或者说最大的主题,就是友谊,一个内向小孩和一个外向小孩之间的友谊,他们在成长过程中认识自我并互相成就。

片中的Sea monsters源自意大利古老的地方传说和民谣。五渔村有着丰富的传说,而大部分传说是渔民编出来吓唬别人的,好让别人远离自己的绝密捕鱼点。导演小时候很喜欢那些画着海怪的老地图,好奇着会不会真有海怪化成人形隐匿在普通人中。

影片中的海怪造型参考了16世纪的文艺复兴地图,以及意大利到处都有的海怪雕塑,设计方向是“not creepy or scary”,导演不想吓到观众。海怪在海里的动作设计参考了海鬣蜥。角色监督Beth Albright透露海怪离开水的变形部分参考了X战警电影里的魔形女,他们都有鳞片,但这并不够因为魔形女的变身偏向性感不是团队想要的。也有参考魔女宅急便里的黑猫吉吉。为了达到自然流畅的变形效果还研发了专门的技术。小知识,Luca身上共有3436片鳞片。
credit: Pixar

导演原话说海怪是“a metaphor for feeling different ”,当时他和Alberto两人当时并不受欢迎,不太合群也不酷,就用海怪来喻指“nerds”、“outsiders”、“others”、“misfits”、“underdogs”等等,主要突出一个不同吧,不合群的,格格不入的,古怪的,被排斥的,可以有多方位解读,片中的小女孩Giuia虽然不是海怪,但她也是一个不被看好的“异类”。Sea monsters也可看作是偏见、刻板印象,毕竟它只是人类口中对未知的称谓,在Sea monsters眼中,人类也不过是善于杀戮的Land monsters。

We hope that sea monster could be a metaphor for all sorts of feeling different – like being a teen or pre-teen. That moment where you feel odd. There are all sorts of ways of feeling different. It felt like a wonderful way to talk about that and having to accept ourselves first, whatever way we feel different.

Our main theme is actually friendship, but a sense of self-acceptance is a huge part of this.


Luca和Alberto之间的关系和Sea monsters的metaphor是两个互相独立的话题,不要一概而论,前者导演的初衷是纯粹的友情,后者是借海怪来表现童年的挫败感、不受欢迎。观众看海怪可能会代入自己的经历,有不同的看法和解读,这绝对是开放性的,海怪不是特指某群体或个人,它不单一也不明确,它可以是每个人。比如有人问导演是不是和难民、移民或人种有关:

“I love the metaphor of the sea monster, that it really opened it up to all these other readings,” says Casarosa. “I’ve had people ask me, is it a refugee story or immigrant story, or about race? We were aware making the movie that this was a wonderful journey of owning your own identity, and coming out with it – whichever that identity is. I thought that everyone would bring their own identity to it.”

“My experience was about me and my best friend growing up feeling like losers,” he says. “But it’s great that people have their own experiences and that this speaks to them.”


“I was really keen to talk about a friendship before girlfriends and boyfriends come in to complicate things,” Enrico revealed when asked to clarify the friendship between the two boys. “We really said, ‘Well, this is that moment before those things come in to complicate the picture.’ So, that was really never our plan and this was about their friendship in that pre-puberty world.”

被问到LGBT+方面的解读,导演说: I love the idea that [the LGBT+ allegory] can be brought in and projected. I think the best movies leave some room for a read into it.

Where I keep on thinking that the read into all the otherness and difference feels right is that [Luca] is a story about, at a certain point, like, “Here I am. Let the chips fall where they may.” And so that is a coming out moment. We kept on saying, “This is not about people accepting them.” Some people will accept and some people won’t. But it’s more about, “I’m going to fly my flag and I don’t care, and here’s me.” That was such an important part of this coming of age. And the friendship is such a big part of it, too, because they are the people that are around you and see you for who you are, and they don’t care [about] whatever differences [you have]. So we love the line in the movie, “Am I too much?” No, you’re cool. I love that whatever possible way we feel gets brought to this movie. So yeah, it wasn’t exactly how I started because my story was a little different, but I love that there’s that read into it..

“This is not about people accepting them”对应片中的两句台词:Some people, they'll never accept him./ But someone will. 意思就是说先别管他人是否接受,而是要先自我接受,拥抱自我。在追寻自我时我们可能会羞于展露,而友情的可贵之处在于,他们看到真实的我们,他们的包容帮助我们建立自信,接受真实的自我。这在成长中是如此重要。


其实Luca早期的剧本构思比较像《伴我同行》,Cicco原本是Luca他们的朋友,是一只河豚形海怪,后把他作为Ercole的跟班。Luca和Alberto还尝试通过魔法信物变成普通人,结果没有成功Alberto反而变成了 kraken(北海巨妖),Luca为了保护他与人类抗争。但最终还是选择别搞得太复杂,把焦点放在两主角上。
导演Enrico和好友Alberto(credit: Pixar)

整部片都围绕着友情,没有宏大的世界观,皮克斯这次格局小了?人出生便伴随亲情,爱情是永恒的追求,友情似乎不那么被在乎。它来得比爱情早,总是没有明确的结束点,可能在无意中被悄悄放下。 但它同样需要经营,它也同样能lifechanging,也值得用一部片讲述。高山流水,你真的有称得上知音的朋友吗?有身边的朋友互相肯定吗?童年好友还有联系吗?是否偶尔记起那些时光?即便分离只剩回忆,每次记起,是不灭的光热又一次传输给你力量。我愿此生被友谊照亮。


有网友觉得Luca和Call my by you name有相似点,纯属巧合,仅限于巧合。看看导演的回复:

Casarosa said that the characters were just friends and that the parallels to Guadagnino's film were only a coincidence, stating: "I love Luca's movies and he's such a talent, but it truly goes without saying that we really willfully went for a pre-pubescent story ... This is all about platonic friendships.

有说地点撞人家小说的,并没有,一个是Cinque Terre,一个是Bordighera(电影主要拍摄地则为Crema),中间隔着一个热那亚海湾呢,里维埃拉不是具体地名是riviera的音译,泛指海滨度假胜地。有说主角发型一样的,去搜搜导演本人图片吧,人家就那发型…… 既然导演回答了是巧合,还是别纠结太多。看看其他采访:

"We were a little bit surprised. As much as Luca Guadagnino is quite awesome -- I love his movies," director Enrico Casarosa tells ET with a laugh. "We always looked at this very much in that time pre-boyfriends and girlfriends and pre-romance."


"And we had to actually defend that, because in the middle of this journey, people were like, 'Well, just let it be a true triangle.' But we just wanted it to be about friendship," Casarosa says. "I feel like we have wonderful movies coming up that deal a little bit more with after puberty, where there is the puppy love and the romantic side. It wasn't something that was part of the DNA of this. I wanted it really to be a little more in that earlier stage of trying to find yourself. But I do appreciate that people can read into any kind of oddness and outsiderness of these characters, that I hope there's something universal for everyone to take from it."

为什么主角叫Luca: When asked why he chose Luca as the film's title, Casarosa said that he based the film on his friendship with his childhood friend, Alberto, but he couldn't just use in his own name (Enrico), and chose "Luca" because it's simple, and "is pronounced well in America too."

导演在片中客串了三个角色,一个是大喊“what's wrong with you, stupido?”的渔民(后被Alberto效仿),一个是海边吹口哨的钓鱼大爷,一个是小镇上打牌的大爷(他赢了,边说“Scopa!”边把牌扔桌上)。 还有开头Luca追逃跑的鱼时,提到一条叫Enrico的鱼要么死了要么在游览世界,Enrico是导演名字啦哈哈。






标签:热那亚   月神   渔村   友谊   意大利   新剧   片中   晴天   小镇   灵感   夏日   童年   导演   主角   自我   动画   海怪   电影

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